For our final hand in we had to design and create a colophon report that takes you through some things that have gone on through the year in regard to my app.

  1. introduction
  2. What is Find Your Fit
  3. Why did I choose to do this
  4. Strengths & Weaknesses
  5. Challenges faced
  6. Technology used
  7. Target Audience
  8. Conclusion

These are the eight points I talked about in my Colophon and I am happy with how it has turned out it is a simple yet effective design that is easy to read and follow. I am getting them printed as well so that will be nice to have as a keepsake for the future and to show friends and family what I have done for my final year in uni.

The design of my colophon was simple and I took inspiration from previous examples, the main layout of my colophon is an image and then body copy. I found having the image with it breaks up the text and will make it easier for the reader to read and follow.

I am happy with how my colophon has turned out and the images came out better than I had thought although some of them were blurry and I did find a few mistakes after it was printed but they are not enough to warrant getting them printed again.

You can read my colophon below:
