I decided that I would do some research into different Sherlock Holmes websites so I could get different ideas of how I could lay mine out and what all I could add to it.


The first website I looked at was Sherlockain.net which is a website that is dedicated to the Holmes community. That allows people to read about all things Sherlock Holmes. When looking at the website I was more focused on how it was laid out and not really the content. In this website I liked how it was laid out and how the nav was at the top I also found when you load or scroll on to a page the text will come in from the side I though this was a nice touch with the subtle animation and it definitely the type of thing I am looking to add into my own website. I also like how they use black and white images of Sherlock Holmes as I am adding black and white images to my site as it gives it a more old style feel to it.




Sherlock Holmes - The Official Website

The next Website I looked at is https://sherlockholmes.com/ the official website That tells you a bit about the history of Sherlock Holmes and it also allows you to buy different memorabilia from Sherlock Holmes. Again when looking at this website I was more focused on the layout and if it has any animations in it. The first thing I liked about this site was the nav bar at the top and the big header image that is just below the nav. I always like the nav being at the top as I think it makes it easier to access the different pages within the site and I am going to put the nav bar at the top of my website, I am also gonna have it as sticky so that it follows the user down the screen making it easier for them to navigate through it.

I also found a scroll effect within the website which you can see in the video below where when you scroll up from the about us section the header picture disappears into the background which I think is a nice subtle feature that adds to the website well. Again I also like the use of the black and white images of Sherlock Holmes.




Arthur Conan Doyle website

The next website I looked at was https://www.arthurconandoyle.com/ that is about the man who created Sherlock Holmes and the cast of characters. And their aim is to promotes and make available all of Sir Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s books worldwide. Again with this one I like how they use a big header image at the top of the site and the title, which I think is nice cause it's big and it is the first thing the user will see when they click onto it. After seeing this on two sites I am going have have a big header image at the top along with the title of my website. As I scrolled through the website when I got to the news section I noticed a little scroll into view animation where the images and text came in from the left. I thought this was a nice touch that adds to the immersive experience of the website. I found the same animation at the bottom with the meet the characters section where each character.





The final website I looked at was https://bakerstreetirregulars.com/ which is a literary society is dedicated to the study of Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and the Victorian world. I did not find any animations within this website but I did like how they have their content laid out. I did however find different old style black and white images throughout the site. I think this is a nice touch and I am going to use black and white images on my site to add to the authenticity and Victorian feel in which Sherlock was originally set.
